I go to a catholic school that has a uniform.
My hair covered my ears and just went a little bit past my eyebrows. They said I had to get it cut or I would face consequences.
If schools are really allowed to make you cut your hair, whats the point of that anyways?? I'm a straight "A" student, always get first honors, have never gotten a demerit, detention, suspension of any other type of mark on my conduct. Having long hair had no effect on me at all, it wasn't even that long. What is the point of them doing that? I even kept it neatly slicked back during school so that it didn't cover my ears or even fall on my forehead.
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
write about it to your local news station. they will make a big deal about it, then you wont have to cut it.
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
tAT IS SOOO no fair!!!
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
Yes, Catholic schools can but in public I think it breaks some sort of code.
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
do you go trinity catholic high school?
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
if you are in a private school then you really have no choice. you (your parents) have chosen for you to be there and to abide by their rules. You don't like the rules then you leave.
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
not fair, but those schools are very conservative and strict about appearances. They feel its not proper for a man to have long hair, even though Jesus is always portrayed as having long hair. whats up with that anyway?
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
Yes, private catholic schools can do whatever they want...to some extent. My brother and I went to Catholic school our entire lives and he faced the same sort of rules. Calling a news station to complain really won't do anything...The Catholic church seems to feel they can do anything and nothing will help. My brother, who is gay, was not allowed to go to his highschool prom b/c he was gay. Somehow the news got involved and it changed nothing...Private schools don't tend to react to the outside pressure...that is why they are private!
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
It's very sad, however, private schools are allowed to make you cut your hair. Several of my friends HAVE gotten in trouble for long hair, so you will likely need to cut it. Very sorry.
Are schools really allowed to make you cut your hair?
that usually depends on ur school or school district. it could be part of the dress code and rules and is expected to be followed. its unfair, but they're the rulers, and we have to listen. especially since its a private catholic school, they basically have the right to do that. the point would be to make sure everyone "looks the same" and doesnt have hair down to their shoulders like some people do in public schools. by looks the same i dont mean it in a horrible way, just that they dont want the school to basically have a good image and such.
ur hair is a little long, but its not bad. unfortunately, i understand that ur school, being a private catholic school, thinks it is too long.
in order to change this though, u could try writing a persuasive letter to the superintendant of ur school about this. say things about wanting to be unique, express urself, and say that u understand that they dont want ne1 to feel pressure or something from "not wearing cool clothes", but that its still unfair to decide that for themselves and ask if u could have some sort of say or vote and that u will back down if u get this chance. make sure u speak respectfully and not get them mad though b/c they can get u in trouble :P
i went to a catholic school b4 2 and the dress code was that girls had to wear dresses that go well over their knees. i dont know nething about hair, but c if u could check ur school website or ask ur teacher for some handbook with a list of rules/procedures. for us in the beginning of the year, we had to read something and then sign that we read and understood and agreed (we had to sign it though. otherwise u could get a detention). in my opinion, if u did sign, or even if u didnt, if its not written down that ur not allowed to have hair longer than ________ or over ________, then they cant just force u 2 cut it. u should go check or ask ur parents if u could go to a public school and tell them good detailed reasons. and then again, since u would have friends there, u should just try to ask to change the hair thing a bit. tell them that ur hair isnt all that long too
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