Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where can I find a place that cuts hair like this?

My hair had this same style, but it has out-grown the style. My hair is about the same length maybe a little longer, but I where can I find a place to cut it like that? I don't want to spend 80$ again though...I personally think thats too much.

I live in Escondido,CA

Where can I find a place that cuts hair like this?

Gene Juarez. :D

Where can I find a place that cuts hair like this?

Take this photo to any barber and he will do it.

Where can I find a place that cuts hair like this?

well go to Gene Juarez i got my hair cut there and now my hair looks great it used too be puffi .and its also very cheap mine cost $$$$20.00$$$$ cheap huh

Where can I find a place that cuts hair like this?

ask a hairdresser for help.,

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