Sunday, June 20, 2010

My hair!!!?

I recently cut my hair..

and i dont like it now..

i think i was better looking with dark long hair..

so how can i get my hair to grow faster?

My hair!!!?

Vitamins, omega 3, lots of water....try not to get stressed out, cause it causes your hair to fall, what else? Try a good conditioner with vitamins in

My hair!!!?

u cant

My hair!!!?

Take a multi vitamin everyday... Sorry there really arent any miracle creams or shampoos out there. You can also massage your scalp to help promote growth. And hey there are always extentions!!!!!!!!!

My hair!!!?

I was surprised when I heard this but brushing. It stimulates the hairs in the scalp and it doesn't stretch it if you know what I mean but it loosens it.

Another plan of action is hair extensions.. But thats a lot of $$

Hope I helped and good luck!


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