Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

My mum and myself have told him that he should let us cut some layers into before roller setting roller his hair with small rollers to see if he would be able to live with a perm.

we have also told him that he may need to roller set his hair after getting a perm if he feels that his curls are to tight following the perm as my mum has permed hair and often roller sets it at home for the first few weeks after her hair has been permed.

he has aked me to post this question first to see how many people agree or disagree with our idea.

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

it is to his liking . if he wants a perm . go for it..

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

Tell him that perms on guys went out in the 80's. Any guy that can look at themselves in the mirror with curlers in their hair has problems.

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

NO!!! Not the perm!!! He'll look like a poodle and it can't be undone. Tell him to set damp hair in braids and blow them dry. When it's dry undo the braids and shake it out with the fingers and there'll be nice waves, not a Napoleon Dynamite disaster.

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

don't let your brother do it!!!

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?


It would be much better if he let you and your mom help you!


My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

perm.....eh hello it's 2006.

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

Perms on guys are just super creepy and just flat out wrong.... then again... anyone under 35 getting a perm just isnt right in my book

My brother has long straight hair and is thinking about getting it permed?

yuck... curly hair on a man is only attractive if it's natural... permed hair is icky.

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